The smooth transition between elementary school and after-school care, as well as close cooperation with the elementary school, enables a holistic learning environment. Our team attaches great importance to a successful and individual acclimatization, as well as a trusting cooperation with parents.
Daycare children are still at the beginning of their language development. For us, language education that is integrated into everyday life means that we pay attention to child-friendly language teaching in everyday interaction. Playfully introducing our children to the English language is part of our everyday life.
We pay special attention to the acquisition of social skills and the teaching of values and norms, which give the children security and support in everyday life. We support the children in acting in a self-determined and appropriate manner without losing sight of the community and their role in it. The early introduction to cultural techniques such as reading, writing and first basic mathematical skills characterize our daily pedagogical work and are anchored in the Saxon educational plan.
Play is a way of experiencing, discovering, trying out and understanding new and unknown things. Play is the child's own way of dealing with its environment, exploring it, grasping it, conquering it. Play is a means of expression in which all senses are addressed, which serve to perceive the self or others. Children do not distinguish between play, work and learning. The resulting situations have a high value.
Children should have the opportunity to educate themselves and become active. In order to further promote and support the interaction process and the self-education processes of the children, we offer various projects several times a week. These can be used across groups. The strengths of the educators are used to create an environment where the children can be creative and self-determined in their afternoon. The children are allowed to take up what the adults have to offer and combine their educational process into an exciting overall package. We offer a place, time and space where children have the opportunity to interact with each other.
Parties and celebrations are an integral part of the day at the after-school center. Birthday celebrations are part of our after-school life. Together with the children, teachers and children prepare these highlights. This promotes social competence and strengthens the sense of community. Tolerance and recognition are made tangible. Although there are fixed rituals, they take place in very different settings. The individual child with its preferences and interests is in the foreground, enjoys and experiences its special day.
Our after-school care center at the Lindenschule is located on the top floor of the Lindengrundschule in Meerane. We have a beautifully designed outdoor area with nest swing, field jumping games, trampoline, a climbing course, sandboxes and a sports field. A construction trailer, which was beautifully designed by our after-school children, offers retreat possibilities.
Our indoor area is designed to be age-appropriate and encourages active play as well as quiet activity. Discovering values with children, working out rules and structures and learning foreign languages through play are of immense importance to us. Working with our interactive whiteboard makes learning vocabulary and phrases interesting and varied.
We have 150 children who can play and learn together. They are accompanied and supported by 8 educators (including 1 educator with additional training in special education).
The parents of our children are important partners for a successful work, a trusting and open cooperation, in which one appreciates and tolerates each other, is important to us. Our parent council meets regularly. It is an important instrument to stay in lively exchange for the well-being of our children.
Equally important to us is the cooperation with the teaching team of the Lindengrundschule. Regular discussions about the children's development are an integral part of our work. We organize hiking days, class trips and highlights in the children's everyday life together.
Very close cooperation between daycare center, school and after-school care center
from Monday to Thursday under pedagogical supervision
individual promotion and support of children
varied and interactive forms of teaching using modern media
varied leisure activities and various excursions during the school vacations
Care for children from 6.00 - 17.00
The projects are reflected together with the children, changed and arranged according to the individual wishes of the children.
The after-school children's life situation includes school and thus also homework. In the homework room they do their homework in the recommended amount of time according to their age.
These times are to be understood as guidelines. The after-school care center cannot replace specific necessary tutoring or learning support, but it can encourage, motivate and praise! We attach importance to concentrated work and utilization of the homework time. With our signum we confirm that the time was well used.
We emphasize concentrated work and utilization of homework time. With our signum we confirm that the time was well used.
up to 20 min
up to 30 min
up to 45 min
Phone: 03764 1859459
Foreign language day care center
Hortan der Lindenschule Meerane
Oststraße 51
08393 Meerane